Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm back in Cali!

Hey everyone! I am back to school... Sorry I didn't post much over the break! I went home to be with the family for about 2 1/2 weeks and I also got a facebook a couple weeks before school let out. It's official - I'd addicted =))
Anyway, home was normal - us kids sled (me and V, one and two times respectively and everyone else many times!), wrestled (sorryabout that chipped tooth V! lol), watched some movies (Fireproof is such a good movie and Up looked good from the first part I saw), cleaned house (always trying to be a blessing =) lol), and many other things.
It was so cute... the second to last night that I was at home, I had everyone except Veronica sleep in my room, all in my bed at one point of the night or another. My parents bought two bunk beds for Maria & I and Juan & Joey ( we are the kids that share rooms); the top bunk is a twin and the bottom is a double (hallelujah!!! for doubles!). It went Falicia, me, Joey - then Juan and Maria traded off on the last spot. Sleep was slightly different that night lol.
Anyway, I am back now and need to get off the computer. My friends next to me are going crazy and I need to get them out of the computer lab =)

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