I'm home!!!! I flew home Wednesday and slept in my own bed!!! Yeah! I got sick and haven't felt the best the last couple of days but I'd rather be feeling puny at home than at school....

Last night as one of the family Christmas gifts, my parents took the family out to see the Bar J Wranglers, as pictured below....

They sang many different Christmas songs, including 'Winter Wonderland,' Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer' (cowboy style!), 'Let It Snow,' as well as 'Mary Did You Know,' and 'O Holy Night.' They did a very good job of honoring our military personel that were in attendance. They also gave Christ the honor and glory of being the true reason and meaning of Christmas.
As part of a western type of family, I greatly enjoyed the yoodlin' and such! =)
They guy in the light blue shirt (Donnie Cook) is a master at the banjo, the steel guitar, flat-top guitar, and dobro. All the guys did a great job last night!
Well, I think that's all for now... my room looks like a tornado attacked... again! I've only been home 3 1/2 days!!! Not good! =)