My mom hiding from the camera
Maria riding a calf
Maria being put in the shoots

Maria and her famous grin =)

Juan getting ready to rope the goat
Maria and her famous grin =)

Juan getting ready to rope the goat
Juan with his lasso

Joey caught a chicken!
Joey being put in the shoots

Joey caught a chicken!
Joey holding his prize. Good job Joey!!!
Let me explain some of these photos. My family went to the Wellsville Rodeo a couple days ago and had a good time. This is the first time that the kids have ever participated in a rodeo and they did great!
Juan tried roping a goat with a lasso. Go Juan!
Maria was in the calf riding contest. She held on for the full 8 seconds - for those of you that are unfamiliar with rodeos, 8 seconds is the length of time you strive to hold on for when bull riding, bronco riding, sheep riding, calf riding, ect. She did an excellent job!
Joey was in the mutton bustin'. That is basically when you put innocent little kids, who probably don't know any better, on sheep and see how long they hold on. =) It is so much fun to watch. We went to the Logan rodeo and most of the kids were standing in line with their moms holding them while they cried after they were done. I know, I know, it sounds mean, but it is so cute. Joey apparently got pitched pretty quick once exiting the shoots.
After that, he participated in a chicken chase and caught a chicken (as you can see him above, holding his prize high).
*Those poor, poor, innocent chicken.... lol*
Anyway, thought you all would enjoy that!
Thanks, Kaitie. It is great to see some fresh pics of Maria, Juan, and Joey. What did Robin win?
Ken and Bonnie (Your Alaska Unit)
Hey Ken and Bonnie!
Thanks for actually leaving a comment! lol Sometimes I wonder if anyone reads my blog anymore. =)
I'm not sure what my mom won... craziest mom award??!!?? lol jk jk I love you Mom! =)
I will catch you later, Alaska Unit!
I won the chance to smell that rooster! We still have him. He is fondly known as Cowboy Bob.
Mom, are you serious? Derek said he lives in the garage. True?
I wonder what he tastes rooster that is, not Derek.
Ken and Bonnie
Haha nice Ken and Bonnie - I see that parenting has the potential to sink to new levels!!! lol Maybe "Cowboy Bob" will be at Christmas dinner.... lol Don't tell Joey! =)
Haha nice Ken and Bonnie - I see that parenting has the potential to sink to new levels!!! lol Maybe "Cowboy Bob" will be at Christmas dinner.... lol Don't tell Joey! =)
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