Hey everyone! Hope your summers are going well. I have had a blast this past week. We had two guys from West Coast, Chris and Josiah come out. They helped my pastor out with door knocking and physical labor around the church property. They also hung out with us quite a bit towards the end of the week:
On Friday, July 3rd, we had a group of people come out to the house for a BBQ before heading out to town to watch the fireworks. We played volleyball for a quite a while.
Saturday, July 4th, we headed over to a church members' home for another BBQ and several more hours of volleyball! And for my hard work, I received a whopping big sun burn!!!! AHHH!!! But that's okay.... I'm hoping that it will turn into a tan (somewhat anyway....)
Sunday after church, we had the guys and our Pastor and wife over for lunch. We had some more fellowship (and hamburgers!) After church, a group of us headed over to some sand volleyball courts and played until we couldn't see the ball anymore. We then headed to McDonalds for some ice cream. We had a pretty good time.
Overall, I am pumped to play some more volleyball!..... Okay, maybe after my arms have a chance to rest up! lol Have a great day!